Ever since I missed 2 weeks of my diabetic medication, Metformin 500 mg. I have had diabetic diarrhea and treated it with Pedialyte ever since now I have diabetic constipation , but stool is as soft as diarrhea and the worst of the worst neuropathic pain to the right arm, hands and fingers, the right leg, feet and toes too severe. Visited ER 2 times now because of this severe pain. But I d like to know what could the following be with the constipation symptoms: too frequent feels like there is something blocking the passage of the stool I believe the stool maybe putting pressure on my bladder which gives me frequent urination . Treatments Ive done: Suppositories over a long period of time Tums Oils Stool Softner Omeprazole Treatments I ve yet to consider: Barium enema Colon Cleansing Your help is appreciated.