I have had muscle weakness in my lower legs for about 5 weeks now especially in my calfs. My right leg began out to be the most painful. I also have discoloration in both legs from my knees down the colors being purplish, blue, and red, but In the past two weeks the pain has moved up my legs, I'm EXTREMELY sensitive to cold and staying frozen all the time with my knees being swollen as well as my legs. My right leg again from top to bottom has always had more swelling than the left, but in less than a week the swelling and pain has gotten worse, I can't stand for long periods, I'm fatigue 24/7 & feel as though my body is just shutting down. I was in the hospital for a week and none of the 5 doctors cld diagnose me. Please help I'm scared and wanna know what's wrong with me. My right arm as well as my whole right side has just in the past two days been hurting me as well. Any suggestions wld be greatly appreciated. Thanks