I have had upper right quadrant pain since July 2015 (notice when I got off the lawn tractor and lifted my legs over the steering wheel getting off) also, I had done physical heavy lifting helping my husband expand my business building, I thought maybe a hernia but it didn't show on ct scan or MRI with contrast. Findings were 8mm non enhancing lesion on head if pancreas, 8mm non enhancing lesion on my liver and a 4mm nonenhancing lesion on my kidney. Yet, the report says normal findings. My gastro Dr says they are too small to cause my pain? Also, when I don't "go" to the bathroom everyday it hurts until I do. Also, after I go or have gas it feels better. Not sure what to do next, maybe look at gallbladder? Relatives on my fathers side have all had theirs removed? I am 52 in general good health 5'6" and 155 lbs. Not a soda drinker or junk food junkie. I don't take any meds except zyrtec for seasonal allergies, i only tske supplements. I feel as if maybe I hurt myself but pain comes and goes. Normally I only go to Dr each year for checkups and to gyn for check up. I have had colonoscopy in the past, i suffered years of diarrhea, doctors said ibs learn to live it, i found probiotics and a nutrional healing book wtitten by a dr. It helped change my life but here i am again, drs dont seem to care!! Any suggestions? Please help!