I have ibs problem. after taking dinner I had rotational vertigo at night 2 days before this usually happens due to stomach disorder, acidity cauased by it. during acidity & vertigo symptom there is itching in ear & slight pain in right ear
Ibs problem since 10 yrs
Due to weak Digestion, frequent stomach disorder
• Head ache, nausea, irregular bowel, acidity, mouth ulcers, weight loss, weak ness,and imflamation in intestine,fatigue,sleepiness,lethargy
• Stiffness in body, heap & joints due to vata
• Dizziness/ vertigo if acidity increases or during dirrehea symptomts or stomach infection
• Allopathy Treatment taken antibiotics which is required to change if not effective-nor metrogyl,cipro tz,zinetac ,pan D,colaspa retard ,refigut,lactifiber,lesuride,eldervit b12 injections
• Life style –daily yoga, meditation, complete pure vegetarian diet since last 20 yrs
• Break fast-8 to 9 ,lunch 12.30,dinner -9.00 pm(light-rice/mung)
• Avoiding –phermentated food,maida, pulses,leafy vegitables,curd,tea, outside food from long time
• Food intake –jawar ,mung,matki,bajra,rice,etc,boiled water
• Medical history- gall blader removed in july 11 due to polyps