I have lower back pain today, due to falling off of a step ladder (about 3 steps in all) reaching for tje top of my clothes closet for a blouse which would match my slacks. Fell backwards; saw my MD today after the fall, and she did not proscribe any medication for the lower back pain (scale 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest ) which I am now suffering from on lower buttacks (both sides). I self administered 5 mg of this drug - one tablet at 2 p.m. est. Took also Tramadol 50 mg - 1 tab- only and 1 asperin at the same time. Went out for breakfast, drove car, had a facial, and then went back to my apartment and still have the same degree of pain - muscle spasm type in both buttocks.Saw My MD today and she did not feel that my degree of "soreness of spasm" was not excessive, and I realized that I would have this type of spasm since I landed "sunny side up" landing on 2 layers of carpet which did soften this fall.
Can I take an increase of Flexeril (another 5 mg) now, for more relief and get on a heating pad for 20 minutes at a time for relief. I am a very active 80 year old hypertensive (rx for this condition since 1997)
and an RN who teaches 7 courses a week, drugs, dosages (calculations etc) and IV therapy dosage of mL/ per hour or gtt/min. What is your opinion about taking another dose of Flexeril at this time (first dose at 2 p..m.) today when I took other hypertension drugs (atenolol and hydroclorthazine)> I am staying off and on bedrest, until I feel crazy and not having relief from the meds I took initially.
Can I increase my Flexeril dosage now by taking another 5 mg dose at this time , and another one at hour of sleep?
I am an RN. and do not want to go to "sleep" at 4:30 for the evening?
Presently, have not had any relief with the dose of 5 mg at 1 pm.