I have never had normal period; I started in the summer when I was about to go into tenth grade. I then started having periods every 6 months instead of monthly. I went to a doctor who tried to correct it four different times with birth control none of these birth control methods worked. I then went to the OBGYN when I was 18 and found out I was pregnant. During the delivery of my first daughter I lost so much blood that I had to have a blood transfusion and medication to contract my uterus. After having my first daughter and the blood transfusion I ended up bleeding for a year and half straight. My doctor gave me the IUD called paraguard, I had that for about a year and half and was having the same issues, she then went to remove it and found out that it had went into my uterine wall and my tissue grew over it. I ended up having that surgically removed, after many test they came back with the conclusion that i had polystic ovarian syndrome, even though i do not meet any of the characteristics. We wanted to try for another child but could not conceive so they ended up prescribing me to Clomid, the clomid worked and i became pregnant after a year or so, but now that i have had her My periods are all wacky i start bleeding even after having intercourse, if i have intercourse i end up bleeding for the same about of time i would my period. I had silver nitrate put inside my vagina and it still hasn't helped.. Through all of this i have never had a "clean slate" or a fresh new start.. I am just trying to get a word of advise or something to ease my self.. My mother said a D&C