I have pimples / and or small lumps under my breasts..it itches and I can rub/scratch til the itch is relieved, and at the same time I've got the same in my crotch area--actually in the creases of both my legs, close to my body....I've washed the area's and dried the same, which has stopped the irratation. But, b/4 all this has started, I've been putting on J&J baby powder, reason I sweat in the creases of my body...arm pits under breasts crotch area and down my legs (on the inside areas) and also on my butt--crack area too. my bed room has a lite film of powder over everything--like it's never been dusted..I've used the powder for so long --when the cleaning girls come I tell them it's powder--not dust...this has been going on for some time--not sure how long but, long enough for it to be very agravating...