I have symptoms of burning dry eyes, acid reflux wit a peppery burning sensation in my mouth & very dry lips. I suspect this might be related to food or an additive? I gave had extensive dental work thinking old fillings might be the cause. My eye Dr. Is concerned about the condition of my eyes so 2 months ago I began using hot impresses & Restasis, they tire easily especially by the end of the day. I am retired and do not over use technology. Especially after dining at restaurants I have had these symptoms increase considerably. Alcohol is minimized or not used. Drink a lot of water, for example I may have 4-6 large glasses by noon.
Any thought what might be a trigger? My Rx regime has been reduced in hopes of acquiring an answer.
Current Rx are Restasis, 81mg of aspirin , D3- 5000 IU. Help?