i keep getting red cheeks when im in a room or sitting down with people and i feel really anxious. Hi , im 28 year old male and i keep going bright red when im at table in a restaurant, with people from work, or my girlfriends parents or even my girlfriend. If im busy it doesnt happen, but when im sitting oppostite someone and they ask me something i always feel very anxious and i try to not go red and it gets worse. I am fair skin with ginger/ brown hair and half irish, and i have always blushed when embarrsed but i dont mind that. It just when i go red it stays for 1 hour at least. and quite often my chest and arms come up in a rash like my face . i have recently been suffering from low self esteem and confidence but in the past ive always been very confident around people. Its effecting the way i am with people and i just cant seem to control it. I mean i always have red sort of cheeks, if its cold ill have a red cheeks, and if im hot i will have red cheeks, but it is happening really extremly in bars, restaurants and at work where it s not cold or hot. I think its because i feel anxious but it is rreally starting to bother me