I started on loestrin fe 10mg mid September this year but have never been consistent with taking it. I took my last pill for the pack November 10th, started bleeding on the 13th, and started my new pack on the 15th. I started on two different antibiotics on the 20th. I took my pill everyday from the 15th-21st but left them at my parents house that night so I was not able to take them on the 22nd, 23rd, or 24th. I had unprotected sex on the 22nd and 24th. I never went back on the pill because I read if you miss more than two to start a new pack but I didn't have any more packs to start. Since about the 27th I've been having a lot of cramping, fatigue, nausea, headaches, backaches. Within the last few days my nipples have gotten sore and my breasts are tender. What are my chances of being pregnant?