(I think I might be hearing voices.) I started taking Effexor XR 3 days ago and now I m hearing voices. I can t hear what they re saying but I can hear their voices. Is this a side effect of the Effexor? I read the side effects online but hearing voices wasn t one of them. I also smoked (weed) today, monday, and sunday, but people have been telling me that you don t hear voices when you smoke weed/pot. (especially when you re not high anymore)--- So far it s been really bugging me, for example: I was listening to music last night with my headphones on, music loud, and I kept hearing these voices. I turned the music off and found out my mom was downstairs talking really quietly. (Was it her I heard talking? It couldn t have been because I was listening to music) Even as I write this I hear people outside somewhere talking but I can t find anyone. It gets faint at times. I m taking Effexor XR, and Zi Xiu Tang (chinese diet pills ).