I was diagnosed stage iv breast cancer in 2009 with estrogen positive by 85% and I enjoy a complete resolution of disease as of July 2010... been taking anastrozole for 6 years... I suffer from gradual diminished bone density, fatigue, pain, loss of muscle, fibromyalgia... but the most troubling side effect is the weight gain, which as I understand puts me at a greater risk of recurrence. Since the cancer I don't drink sodas, eat very little meat (occasional fish, chicken), lots of veggies and fruit, and drink between 60 to 100oz of water (combination alkaline/spring) per day. What diet or nutritional or vitamin/nutrient changes should I introduce to my diet to assist with the weight gain. My feeling is it is a direct result of the anastrozole. What are the indicators that maybe my body has sufficiently diminished the amount of estrogen to position any risk potential for recurrence. Oh by the way, I also elected to have prophylactic oophorectomy in 2012.