I was diagnosed with AFIB after a yearly exam. I am 65 years old without any noticeable discomfort. I do not have HP. I am slightly overweight. My heart rate was up to 130 during a recent apt with a new cardiologist. It is usually in a normal range of 80-90. I have had an echocardiogram, 2 EKGs, blood work and several apts with my NP. I monitor my BP/HR. I met with cardiologist at which time we discussed a pharmacological stress test because I do not think I can manage the uphill grade of the treadmill. The cardiologist, who only had a few days left and was moving to another city, explained taking medication for the conversion vs an electrical ablation as an alternative procedure. After reading some online articles, I am having 2nd thoughts about all the medicines required for these tests/procedure/daily living. I was prescribed Eliquis rather than the 81mg aspirin I was taking and the Toprol XL dosage was doubled from 25mg to 50mg. It was explained that Eliquis will get rid of any clotting prior to and after the conversion. How easy is it to stop Eliquis after completing these above tests, etc? Do you think a treadmill test would be safer and as successful even if I am not sure I can do the fast climb? I want to avoid unnecessary meds/higher dosages/tests that will not benefit me or could be more harmful to me in the long run than taking smaller steps to control my AFIB. Who knows someone might come up with a better treatment or safer medication. Thank you for your time. Jo Ann