I was previously taking Pirmella 1/35 birth control pills and had been taking them several years & had very regular menstrual cycles. Due to high blood pressure, my Gyn changed my pills and I am now taking Sharobel Tab 0.35 MG. I finished the inactive row of Pirmella and then started the Sharobel on 5/20/2018. Since then, the only thing close to a period (not sure if it was a one day period or just breakthrough bleeding) was on 7/22/2018. I have not had any type of period, bleeding, spotting, etc. since then. I just turned 49 on 8/16/2018. I read that the mini pill (POP) type pill such as the Sharobel can cause irregular periods. Plus, due to my age, I wonder if I might be entering Pre-menopause & therefore not having a period. I have had sex during the past few months, but have been very careful since day 1 to try to take my pill around 9:30 pm each night (If I'm off, it's usually only by 30 minutes or so.) Also, we did use a condom sometimes, but not all times. The instructions that came with the Sharobel suggests taking a pregnancy test if it has been 45 days since your last period. I am considering calling my Gyn, but wasn't sure if I should go ahead and take a home pregnancy test first, just in case. Any advice? - I'm 49 and do not want to be pregnant. I am somewhat concerned and perturbed that my doctor did not mention that it is more important to take the Sharobel at the same time everyday and/or that it could cause irregular periods. Everything I know, I have found out on my own by reading the material that came with my medication and reading information online.