I went into the ER yesterday with pain in my upper right side just inside the lower part of my ribs and straight through to my back right along my spin (about where my bra strap goes across my back). They ran a whole series of tests and scans only to tell me I was fine everything was normal, However I was and still am in a good amount of discomfort. One of the findings in the report said that there was "mild prominence of the common bile duct measuring up to 7 mm". I also had some odd numbers in my blood work: PO2 was 21, my PCO2 was 48, CALC 02 SAT 33, OXY Hemoglobin 32.6 Whatever this is, is waking me up at night, causing me shortness of breath and is very uncomfortable. I am also somewhat nauseated. The pain does tend to be worse after I eat so I have been trying to eat small meal like cereal. This has been going on for a week now. Any words of advise would be appreciated.
Thanks, Treva