I would like a 2nd opinion on my Infant daughters lab values. I requested the labs due to concern of anemia. (Pale skin, bruising).
She is a 15 month old white female with no current obvious infection and not currently taking any medications. Her pediatrician said her labs are normal.
Rbc: 3.99
Hbg: 10.6
Hct: 32.1
Mcv: 80.5
Mch: 26.6
Mchc: 33
Rdw: 14.9 H
Plt cnt: 316
Mpv: 8.4
Neut% 31.3
Lymp: 58.9
Mono% 7.7
Eos% 1.7
Segs: 15%
Bands: 22% H
Monocytes: 10 H
Lymp/ 100 wbc: 50
Atyp lymph: 3 H
Smudge cell: 16
Toxic granules, dohle bodies and vac neut: all present
Polychromasia, ovalcytes, anisocytocis, tear drop cell, schistocytes: All rare
Platelet review: confirmed rare platelet clump seen
Iron: 20 L
%sat: 6% L
TIBC: 338
Ferritin: 34.1