Hello ... I am a 57 yr old woman who has presented with digestive problems my whole life. I was diagnosed w IBS in my mid-twenties and its worsened over time, due to many life stressors. Following several tests and an ultrasound of my abdomen; I was diagnosed w an inflammed gall bladder, with huge stones & gastritis. Had "laparoscopic surgery" in March, 2011 and at follow up in April, 2011, surgeon said, "All looked fine." Well, I have felt worse since my gall bladder removal, yet NO medical person will listen to me! In July, 2012, I developed Cellulitis. Dr. lanced/treated infected absess (behind my left knee) & prescribed, Clindamycin - oral. Well, the Clindamycin cured the Cellulitis, yet a few weeks later, I was sick for 24 hrs. w vomiting/diarhea & finally called a friend & went to ER. It was a nightmare, lots of medical ppl talking loudly, "it's her spleen, it's her colon, it's appendisitis ...." Well, after several tests, & a nurse noting my fever, chills, dehydration & disgusting color/odor of stool - I was diagnosed w C-Diff Colitis. Spent week in "isolated" room, being treated w Flagyll, Vancomycin ... Unfortunately, I continued with Refractory? C-Diff, was back/forth to PCP & Gastro in Boston & finally, in Jan., 2013, C-Diff became "inactive." Oh, I learned from hospital GI dr, that the IDIOT who treated my Cellulitis, NEVER gave me a probiotic, which caused my C-Diff. This past Feb., I changed all of my doctors. I, like many others, pay attention to "unusual health symptoms." Well, since Feb., I hv been diag with High Blood Pressure, my Osteo is worse, my arthritis in both hips is worse, I was diag w a premature heart rate, I went through Depression in 2010-2011, but the Effexor I take, appears to help. However, with my new PCP & Gastro (esp) - I do not feel I am taken seriously and she has done little, to help me. Since the gallbladder surgery, my stomach bloat has increased (I look 9 mos pregnant), I am always constipated, suffer from cramping, and as I have told my new drs,, I hv an ongoing pain, in my lower right side! My new gastro has had me try suppositories, enemas, Miralax (made me vomit), Magnesium laxative dietary supplements, Beano, had me drink, Magnesium Citrate, take Ducolax, I have changed my diet, take 1 tablespoon of Metamucil 2x per day in my juice, I walk frequently, I take an over 50 multi vitamin (80% of my "levels" are either too high or too low,) I take a Probiotic which contains 4 strains of natural, beneficial bacteria, w B.infantis 10mg and I drink plenty of water. Ever since the gall bladder surgery, I never had the same amount of energy and I am so frustrated! Over the years, I have had Upper/Lower GI testing, Endoscopies, Sigmoindoscopy?, a Colonoscopy, CT scans of my abdomen etc... I truly believe my current Gastro is NOT diagnosing me correctly - I have only seen her 2x (March) & (July) as she "floats" & works in more than one hospital. I find her condescending and her attitude towards my "Chronic Constipation," "IBS" & "Colitis" as no big deal! I am a single mom of two teens. I lost my job twice in six years, my car was "repo" 2 yrs. ago, I lost my family home to foreclosure last fall and have a verbally abusive "ex." All my drs tell me to learn better ways to cope w my stress as stress can contribute greatly or actually cause digestive disorders. Yes, I understand that, yet all the over-the-counter treatments, my Gastro has given me, are "band aids!." So, if any doctor who specializes in Gastroentenology/Anxiety related issues, has any advice for me, I'd be most grateful. Also, I went through 2 high risk pregnancies, following 2 miscarriages. I also have a history of cervical dysplasia. My point, I have been reading about the symptoms of Ovarian cancer and how, a few of the early signs, can be much like, certain digestive disorders. I want a "complete evaluation" of my entire digestive tract; I want to be screened for colon/ovarian cancer and I would also appreciate what I need to do, so I can START LIVING MY LIFE AGAIN! Thank you.