I am 45 yrs old. Over the past week, or so, I have experienced a tingling , or numbness, in my left hand (specifically the last three fingers). I must also mention the fact that I am an i.v. drug user, as well. I believe that in the past I have had a similar condition/problem, and that it eventually my hand/fingers returned to normal. My question to you: is this the probable cause, and most likely outcome for my malady? I am sure that there are other reasons for tingling/numbness in the hand; e.g. stroke , carpel tunnel, etc., and that this consultation, most likely, is not a substitute for a check-up by a healthcare professional. I know that I am not having a sroke, nor have I ever experienced carpel tunnel syndrom in my life. If you could reply, and possibly allay my fears, I would be very appreciative. Thank you ever so much. Sebastian