These are always tough decisions, however - first question would be: is the potential candidate a match for the available heart? ...I am going to assume that all those listed are a match.
With that in mind, my answers are A thru F below.
1. Male 55yrs old. has 7 kids and works as a steelworker.. wife unemployed. he likes horticulture and want one day to grow oranges in his own farm..
A) 7 kids should be grown by now, they can assist the mother in all ways if she become a widow. Besides, even if he gets the heart, he is not, or should not, be able to handle the heavy work that a farm would take.
2. Female 28. A vocalist. has 2 kids, divorce. Reputation of being selfish and temperamental.
B) Even if she gets it, her attitude about life and high pressure of having a stressful temperament may cause the new heart to failure - too much of a risk.
3.Male 42. Scientist leading authority in world for research
AIDS cure. unmarried and hate dogs and children.
C). Yes, has the 'potential' of finding AIDS cure, but many hundreds are also researching and may find the cure also. Also, if he passes, he does not have any immediate family 'depending upon him for his financial support.
4. Male 10. father isa heart surgeon in another country. they are visiting and the kid is a straight A's student who want to be a doctor.
D) Ten year old boy has his entire life ahead of him, however, again - he does not have a wife and kids that depend upon him their support. Plus, he and his father are from another country, where he could be, and should be, put on Their heart waiting list. In addition, his father is a heart surgeon and right or wrong, he may have some 'inside' assistance from his medical friends, thus the child may have other opportunities. ...and selfish - but we should take care of 'our' country's needs for transplanting to our USA citizens first.
5. Male 65. The vice President of the USA. people love him and want to be the next President.
E) Sorry, he is just another person who is in need of a heart too, however, his 'position' in life should not put him in front of someone else, plus he is older, probably less chance of having 'long term' positive result - he has lived a good life, give it to the younger people who have better odds of living a Long life after the transplant.
6. Female 39, widow, recent unemployed has 3 kids. and always cheerful and love helping other..
F) She HAS my vote. She is young enough to probably have a good long term out come, she has 3 kids depending on her, although one or two 'may' be getting close to getting on their own, we do not know that to be the case. They need her now in their lives. She the type of person who lives a happy life and willing to give back to others - I am sure she has and is raising her kids the same way.
Think that is the best choice that can be made with the info that was given to us.
WISH all people who need transplants of Any kind could get them - which that would mean that many, many more of our population would have to become concerned enough and willing to donate.