I'm 23 years old, 5'10"-5'11" talk, and weigh about 136 pounds. I have a very long history of ears, nose and throat problems as far back as I can remember. Non-stop sinus infections for years, severe allergies, and so on. At age 16, almost 17 years old, I had an abscess on or around my tonsils and once the infection had healed I had a tonsillectomy done. After which all the usual problems persisted. I drink on occasions, from the age of 16 up to now I have smoked tobacco on and off, have currently been smoking quite regularly. My current symptoms include: sore/irritated throat that seems to have not gone away in several months except for very short bits of time, dry mouth with thick, sticky saliva that often has an odor, headaches more and more frequently when I rarely used to get them at all, ear pain and ear ring once and a while. Other symptoms that I have been dealing with for quite a while are: terrible trouble when trying to swallow, mouth and tongue sores, a constant, almost never ending need to "snort" or clear my sinuses of phlegm and mucus, feeling of a lump or object inside my throat, trouble breathing or unable to catch my breath, almost a feeling of suffocation at times, frequent bloody noses which I don't think I ever have had in the past until recently, and a constant coughing. Is it possible that these could be related to throat cancer in anyway? Please give me your advice.