I'm 52yo female with hx of AML remission x 11 years. Two weeks ago I woke up with bilateral thumbs and little finger joints red, inflamed, I could not make a fist, so painful it took me several hours to even get out of bed. I have a constant burning sensation in bottom of both feet, constant smell of cigarette smoke/ash tray which is making me severely nauseated and not want to eat. My skin looks like a 80 yo, very thin, crepey with loss of muscle mass. I have become severely depressed and no longer have the strength or desire to function or participate in my usual life activities. I am using sotto pellet for my BHR tx as well for several years, I recently had two pellets within 4 months, worried and really want to feel good again after everything that I've already been through. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you