I'm a 50 year old male in good health. However, I have been on a proton pump inhibitor for about seven months for gastric reflux. My normal bp is 115-120/75-80. But since I've been taking the medication (and especially when I have bp measured in a medical setting) it's much higher- sometimes as much as 140/95. I have never had high bp before and I am not aware that I have white coat hypertension. (I would think such a response would have manifested itself long ago- and not suddenly at age 50.) I watch my weight, eat sensibly, and exercise at a vigorous level 4-5 times/wk. Is there a connection between ppi use and high bp? (At this point, I am taking both a 60 mg Dexilant and a 300 mg Ranitidine every day.) I have seen anecdotal information about a linkage, but nothing more. I am aware of the recent spate of reports, some appearing in peer-reviewed medical literature, about the down-
side of long-term ppi use, i.e., magnesium depletion, susceptibility to pneumonia, brittle bones late in life, etc.)