I'm female 58 yrs old with Lupus, RA, Fibromyalgia and Coronary Artery Disease. .Have received a stent placement 6 wks ago, this was the 3rd time in 4 yrs. Tonight I'm not feeling so well. Sudden heaviness and numbness in all limbs, raised blood pressure at 174/100 heart rate 68. Tingling & numbness in my face. Been going a about 30-45 minutes. This is 4th time with these symptoms happening. Not occurring with exertion, just sitting. Went to ER 1st time & was told probably a TIA but nothing done to confirm. They just sent me home. Am going for another chemical stress test on Monday for continued episodes of severe chest pain. I'm left heart dominat with main artery in right side blocked 100% full length of artery. Is this possible TIA & need to go in or heart related. Hard to tell since no chest pain