I'm in my mid-50's , For past 29years I've taken very good care of myself eating organic, organic grass fed meats, exercise, rare glass wine & no smoking. I have https://maps.google.com/maps?oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&um=1&ie=UTF-8&fb=1&gl=us&entry=s&sa=X&ftid=0x0000a1f7dd5f1:0x14295b7aa5eca7c6&gmm=CgIgAQ%3D%3D diagnosed with osteopenia several years ago now quite progressive osteoporosis with recent L5 fracture. I have been seeking medical care for years urging the Dr's as to what might be the cause. Finally a 2nd opinion /rheumatologist gave me a 24hour urine for calcium which was over 400. Now I'd like to know why I'm excreting such high amounts of calcium,but he is reluctant to look further. I have researched several different causes. I'd like to know your approach/opinion on how this may be addressed. (I'm not on any medications but naturothroid 1grain after a total hysterectomy. I've seen a Naturopathic physician which I'm on many supplements, omega 3 oil, VitD, probiotics, multi vit/mineral, digestive enzymes, & now starting low dose bio-identification hormones. I do have many environmental,food,& chemical allergies as I've advanced in age.) I would appreciate any help you may offer, thank you