I'm tired of having dry, itchy, red eyes. A while back I went to an ENT doc because I had sores in my nose and my ears were itching like crazy and of course, the dry red eyes. He said I had a staph infection in my nose and mold in my ears. He put me on meds and that all cleared up. However he said it may come back. I've been to the eye doctor 3 times and he says other than the dryness, my eyes are okay. I've been to my regular doctor 4 times in the last 6 months, the dentist twice and the ENT guy 3 times. He says I have allergies, however I don't have a runny nose and of course dry eyes, not watery. Now I am seeing some red blotches on my face and wondering, what else? I also have been struggling with an infection above one of my teeth. Help!!