I'm trying to compare two of the three medications I've been given to help me sleep.
I took a month of the free Nugival -but with insurance it was over 600 and we could not afford that.
I have 3 children at home and 3 living on their own - they all commented on the difference in my conversation skills- staying on a subject before I forgot what the conversation was about, I was up more and my mood and comprehension improved. Then next one we tried was similar,it was over 200 with BC/BS Fed-I paid once or twice and the doctor switched me to Modafini.It works but it keeps me awake at night. I still doze off on all them medications, from a few minutes to hours.My father and 3 siblings all have narcolepsy.My dad and I use CPAP machines. I'm 57 and was a Poatmaster.
There are days when I have other symptoms I will sleep almost all day. Especially,if I'm having or had issues with fibromyalgia. If I go to an appointment, I'll come home and sleep for hours or until the next day it is time for a refill and wanted to see if maybe I could take the second pill the same time I took the first. It does help me stay awake,but I can also fall asleep very quickly. I had shingles 2 yrs ago and everything has changed. Duke said the damage damage was permanent - it hot gotten into my spinea and affected my cognitive and motor skills.I just want to be up when my children are at home. I can't cook but they do. i and I can't help my 14yr old with her assignments- her older brothers do. I think if I was a wake for several months when they were and slept during the night instead of sleeping 4 or 5 hrs.I would be so happy. I have a lot of others issues but medication seems with those issues. I have back issues,epilithic, total incontinence-now only blatter and they can't do surgury. I have severe