In March of 2014, two and a half years ago, I began noticing a very small amount of bright red blood on the toilet paper after passing stools. It was on and off until I finally saw a doctor towards the end of the year who did not do much aside from suggesting a colonoscopy to me at 30 years old and providing me with some cream incase it was a fissure. He did not see anything on the exterior upon a visual inspection but whether or not that means there could be a fissure on the interior, I'm not sure.
Eventually in early 2015 after passing stools slower and intaking more fiber the bleeding seemed to completely stop. Now over a year later this past summer and the bright red blood has returned! Again this is only after bathroom use. I do feel a decent amount of discomfort when wiping and the stools do seem to be very hard so I feel it really may be a fissures after all but at this point I am beginning to worry. At 32 now I know any type of colon cancer is extremely unlikely and I should note that there is NO history of it in my family, but I still worry.
Since this blood on the toilet paper stopped for over a year and returned, is it safe to say it is likely a fissure or even hemorrhoid? If it were something more serious such as a tumor is it safe to say the bleeding would likely have never stopped and likely gotten worse in all this time? My other health is very good aside from a touch of hypothyroidism. Thank you for your answer in advance.