Dear Pradip,
Your father is 80 years old and plus already a heart patient, so the medication Trivolib- 2mg should not be given in a go to him (I mean in a single dose). For sugar like 399 and
HbA1c > 10%, he should have been treated with low doses of insuin and then after the sugars fall to about 200, he should be given oral tablets in divided doses. The tablet Trivolib is causing low sugars for him during early morning hours or causing 'relative hypoglycemia' where his sugar is really not low, but sudden drop of sugar from 300 plus to about 150 plus makes him feel hypoglycemic as the DOSE IS GIVEN IN ONE GO. This is certainly not good for him being more than 75 years and being a heart patient.
Hence please make sure you show him to a very good
Diabetologist who knows how to deal with high sugars in such a patient and stop Trivolib 2 mg and get a prescription of oral tablets in divided doses. He is taking
VOGLIBOSE at this age is making him restless and hungerless. Eventhough not clearly contraindicated at this age, VOGLIBOSE should not be given for older people who can have slow digestive system making them feel worse. Plus very importantly, when he gets hypoglycemia it becomes difficult for sugar to breakdown into
glucose faster. So stop TRIVOLIB right away.
I hope this helps. All the best.