Hello Doctor, our 8 months baby, has been ill since 24 days. Initially he got cold and running which was ok with medicines in a week. After few days he got skin infection and some red marks on hands, face and shoulders. From last 3-4 days, he is suffering from sore throat, cough, cold, fever and loose montions. He vomitted once also heavily. Doctor has prescribed below medicines: Ascoril LS Plus - Cough Drops Crocin Drops (1-12 Months) - Fever Zifi 100 Dry Syrup - Diarrhea Enterogenima - Stomuch Nusobee Casin - Milk Power Momoz 30 Cream - Skin Infection His diet has reduced a lot in last two days. He is toothing also. We are concerned about his health. Can you please check if the above medicines are OK for him? How can we make him to eat / drink something?