My baby girl is 3 months old. She has always struggled with reflux and gas issues ever since she was born.. She has been a lot better in this last month, but recently the pain seems to gotten worst! The frequency of crying and gas pain has went down great deal; however, when she does get the pain, it seems to be more intense! Tonight i had to keep her in my arms and she curled up in ball and she was ok, but minute she would move or i would move her in another position, she would lock her legs out and scream a piercing cry! even when i would get up to walk with her, she would want to stay curled up on me and this went on for a good hour or so! When my wife got home, she was balled up on me and when my wife took her, the minute her legs straightened out, she screamed and started crying as in pain! This went on for little while and then all of a sudden she quit crying and she was all smiles! My wife and i are at our end of what to do! Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! From what i am telling you, what does it sound like her problem is?? feel free to email me at YYYY@YYYY .. Or just respond on here! Thanks in advance!!