24 hours ago, whilst bending down to pick something off the floor with my 10 week old baby in my arms, his forehead/eyebrow banged forcefully against the blunt wooden arm of a chair. He cried immediately for several minutes, before being soothed by my wife. He was able to have a partial breastfeed within several minutes, before having a more robust breastfeed 30 minutes later. He was smiling and laughing within 15 minutes of the accident. He didn t vomit and he wasn t unusually sleepy for the following 12 hour stretch . He has been noticeably more clingy in the last 24 hours, and he has developed a more sustained cry this evening whereby he has been harder to soothe (he is normally a delightful little baby who rarely cries for more than 30 seconds without being quickly soothed - unlike either of our older two children at the same age who were quicker to cry and harder to settle. He is now taking up to several minutes to soothe, which is uncharacteristic, but a quick breastfeed normally does the trick). I am concerned that he is experiencing latent effects of this head bang - and I am particularly concerned about internal bleeding . Interestingly, there was hardly any external signs of a bang to the head (a barely noticeable red mark which has already disappeared and no bruising at all), despite the fact that I am 90% certain that the bang to the head was forceful enough to have caused some level of bruising to an adult, let alone a 10 week old. Should I be worried? Is it possible for a 10 week old baby to respond so positively to a significant bang so soon after it occurred, but then to develop internal bleeding or other equally concerning head difficulties? Is the lack of a bruise indicative of internal damage at all?