Hi Me and my virgin girlfriend never had sexual intercourse but we were playing with each other 3 or 4 days after her last menstruation ended and some of the precum got in contact with my hand (a very small amount of precum) so I immediately wiped it off dry but then, 15-20 min later, I was fingering my girlfriend s vagina with this same hand. I didn t go deeper in the vagina than an index finger length. Now her period is 3 days late and I m worried she might be pregnant. Once again she is virgin. She is now in the middle of her exams session and a little bit stressed but I m paranoid about the thought. We are now in 2 different continents and she doesnt know about anything I m telling you. She s not even suspecting it. She lately experienced some fatigue . She had vaginal discharge by the time her usual period starts. No excessive amount of discharge. It was just like the normal ones she s always been having before menstruation starts. There is no way she can take a pregnancy test given, as mentioned above, she doesnt know about the fact she might be pregnant and I don t want to tell her about it now especially she s taking exams and I can t stress her more for something that probably is nothing but paranoia . So my questions are: is this Premenstrual syndrome? Is there any chance she could get pregnant from a very small quantity of dried off sperm? How long can dried semen live outside the body? Please answer me as soon as possible. I m on the verge of dying of terror.