hello! intense needle like tingling itching. worse it seems with clothes on, or sleeping on it, no apparent cause, only on my arms, along meridians it seems, side of wrists, elbows and top of forearms and biceps .. sometimes shoulders. i had this on my legs as well when pregnant over 20 years ago. nothing helps. feels like from the inside skin out. around crook of arm starts to look think and lizardy, not really scales, but that doesnt stay. sometimes small very imperceptable raised bumps. those also go away, or itch worse for a while then go away. this is not all the time, but seems to come in days or weeks. i used to think it was beer or shrimp, but i think it is sun damage from many many years, now they are super sensitive to anything touching them, and set off when something else going on in my body? HELP! I have cuts and scars from itching! the more i scratch the worse the itch becomes. I have to force myself after hours of scratching to ignore it while i go crazy and then it calms down. No known tested allergies to any thing that I know of. healthy otherwise. on no meds.