Hi, I'm a 20 year old male, physically fit, average diet, regular exercise. I've been experiencing chest pains on and off for the past few months. These are stabbing pains, can be on either side of my chest, or in the centre, and range from severe to mild. They last for just a few minutes. I went to the doctor, he listened to my heart, checked my blood pressure and I took a blood test. He says that everything is normal, and that this rules out problems with my heart and lungs. He says the most likely thing is rib cage pains, caused in the muscles between my ribs, and that the best thing to do is just ignore the pain or take pain killers when it happens. However, this pain doesn't feel like muscle pain to me, so I'm just wondering if this is correct, because I'm still worried and get the pains regularly. Can serious issues be ruled out completely by the tests performed, or could there be something worse behind my pains.