Hi. My 13 month old woke up with a sudden fever of 102 two days ago. He has had a fever off and on ever since. He is very tired most of the day, doesn t want to eat or drink very much ( appetite improved a little today), he is very clingy, seems to be achey when I pick him up, and tonight in bed when he woke up, he wouldn t stop crying unless I held him. About a week ago, he had a lump on the side on the side of his head, slightly smaller than a golf ball, that never bruised but was pinkish in color. It went away the day before the fever came. Doc thinks this is unrelated and says his CBC was normal. They did a nose swab for flu and it came back negative but the Doc said the test is wrong a lot and said he thought it really was the flu. This week he has been weaned from breastfeeding . I was prescribed adderall IR 20mg daily 4 months ago, then last month 40mg per day. The feedings were slowly dropped over this time, so I doubt it s related to his symptoms. As his mother, I feel something isn t adding up here. Someone in my community lost her 4 year old to cancer recently, and this might be making me paranoid, but so be it. Would you recommend any further testing? His test results look like something else may need to be checked. I have pasted them below. Thank you. Component Your Value Standard Range Units WBC 4.3 6.0 - 17.0 K/UL RBC 4.49 4.0 - 4.8 M/UL HEMOGLOBIN 12.1 11.3 - 12.5 G/DL HEMATOCRIT 35.0 34 - 41 % MCV 78.0 70 - 86 FL MCH 26.9 23 - 31 PG MCHC 34.6 28 - 32 G/DL RDW 12.8 11 - 14.5 % PLATELETS 165 140 - 440 K/UL MPV 9.7 8.9 - 12.8 FL NEUTROPHIL 37 10 - 35 % LYMPHOCYTES 57 44 - 74 % MONOCYTE 5 4 - 10 % BASOPHILS 1 0 - 1 % PLATELET EST. ADEQUATE RBC MORPHOLOGY 1+