Hi and welcome,
Since your age is only 35 years a
hysterectomy is done only if the symptoms are severe and you do not want to have further children.
Endometrial ablation for fibroids has a higher failure rate and so does
uterine artery embolism and balloon. The bleeding recurs after these in many cases and eventually a hysterectomy is needed.
If you want to preserve the
uterus you may try balloon or embolism and be prepared for a hysterectomy that may or may not be needed in future. In using balloon, chances of future childbearing are not there. So you will not be able to bear children after this.
I am situated in Nagpur so it would be difficult for you to commute till here. However you are always welcome if you want to.
Other places where you may get it done are at chandigarh or delhi. Please discuss this issue with your local gynecologist and also the treatment options.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
I am always here to help you.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist