Hello, I would be happy to help you today.
You are describing classic symptoms related to PCOS and you obviously express an understanding of the disease itself as you are trying to lose weight. Just to review, patients with PCOS present for the following reasons:
1. Irregular or absent cycles or bleeding
2. Excess male pattern hair growth
Infertility / Inability to conceive
The “syndrome” involves the above symptoms, and the appearance of
polycystic ovaries. The ovaries have this appearance because patients are typically NOT ovulating in any predictable manner.
In terms of
hormonal changes and imbalances, PCOS is associated with “
insulin resistance” and excess
androgens. In terms of the workup, there needs to be consideration of other causes of ‘not-ovulating’ or anovulatory cycling. This would include:
1. Tests of
thyroid function
2. Tests for diabetes
3. Labs related to androgen excess (there are other disease than PCOS)
In terms of treatment, it is my experience that alternative therapies and herbal remedies just do not work. The herbalife is not addressing the real causes of the disease itself and losing weight is probably the key to your current situation. You should also talk with your doctor about oral diabetes medications as these might help with blood sugar control and
weight loss.
I hope this helps. Good luck!!