i have been to a docotr about this and a gynacologist and would like another opinion. My periods have always been regular but the In 2009/2010 i had a miss miscarriage. I had to have a d and c to clear this out. Since having that my periods went irregular, being on for a week then off for a week on for 2. I also bleed constantly for 5months at 1 point. I got sent to a gynacologist and he told me to have the coil, I wasn't keen on this so I had the implant, I still had the same problems with my periods. i then got pregnant in 2011 and had a daughter, periods came back as a regular period, they slowly got more irregular again.I then got pregnant again in 2012 and I had an abortion, after that I decided to try the coil, I've had it fitted since around October 2012 and my periods are still irregular I would be on for 2 weeks off for 2weeks and that is every period. My most recent period finished 1.5 weeks ago I have now got stomach cramps and started spotting again today. Any ideas of what I can do? Thanks