Hello Tripti,
Your diagnosis can be correct. Absence of periods for 3 months can be due to that
You are also right to conclude that it is not good to have a drug every month to bring in periods. Ovaries and their functions are controlled by higher hormones produced from
thyroid, pituitary,
hypothalamus etc. All these functions are disturbed in your case. Therefore taking only the end hormone just to bring in periods is not going to cure your problems.
It is very important how you have to look at the problem.
I am a Homoeopath and so I shall try to answer your query accordingly.
We do not say that you are sick because your ovary is having PCOS. We say the other way. You are sick and so your whole
hormonal system and also your ovaries are sick.
So it is our duty to cure YOU and not your hormones and ovaries.
Therefore you have to adopt a system of treatment that takes YOU into consideration and tries to cure YOU.
I can suggest very confidently Homoeopathy for your present problems. It will cure YOU and all your diseases. Those you are suffering at present and those you may suffer in future will be cleared from your constitution by genetic individualistic approach.
Please do not expect your regular periods until you are cured.
Even your regular exercise may not be sufficient
With best wishes,
Dr. C. J. Varghese