Irritation & burning in the chest could be a sign of
heartburn which we commonly term as acidity. It also occurs with the
angina pain but as far as all the investigations conducted to assess the cardiac problem doesn’t show any abnormality it means that, you need to find out the culprit which is responsible for the persistence of your problem. Keeping long interval between 2 meals or skipping breakfast or drinking too much of tea or coffee or carbonated drinks or any such stimulant when you are empty stomach can aggravate this complaint. Diet rich in spicy, oily food & low in fibres can contribute to the same. Insufficient sleep or too much of
stress is unavoidable with today’s hectic schedule. Hence, first rule out the triggers & make some dietary & lifestyle changes.
If Tablet
Razo gives you temporary relief it means the symptoms which you are describing could be of acidity because, this medication belongs to the
antacid group which is used to decrease the acid production in stomach. So, try to maintain minimum gap of 2 to 3 hrs in between 2 meals & snack in between. Prefer to carry low calorie food stuff whenever you are outdoors, such as puffed rice, sprouted pulses, salad, fruits etc. This will engage your stomach to utilize the excess acid production without gaining your weight, because if you are
overweight then this will also put additional pressure on your stomach & stimulate the acid production. So exercise regularly to shape your body as well as confidence. It will boost up the
endorphin level which is a stress reliever hormone in our body. Simple brisk walk, cycling, swimming preferably in the morning will surcharge your stamina to commence your day & soon you will definitely FEEL GOOD & also get rid of the so called acidity. Fear follows frustration & frustration provokes stress. Beat the fear. Don’t panic. Be calm. Eat healthy. Be regular with healthy routine & simply relax. This is the best health formula. I am sure it will vanish, all your concerns soon.