Thanks for putting up your query at HealthCareMagic. I understand the cause of your concern. Although not very common, it is possible for children of all ages to grow a few gray hairs of their own. One of the leading causes of gray hair in children is a genetically determined. But before I answer your question, let me mention that there are certain simple conditions like
vitamin B deficiency or abnormal thyroid hormone levels in the body (either too low or too high) can also cause gray hair. These are correctable causes and need to be considered before you actually try to increase the melanin production.
There are some health conditions that can cause gray hair in children. One such condition is
alopecia areata, which causes patches of hair loss on the scalp and other parts of the body. As the hair grows back, it may be gray at first. Some children lack pigment cells in a patch of hair follicles at birth. Others lose hair color when the immune system accidentally destroys pigment cells in a localized area. Some forms of poliosis can be inherited. Poliosis may also be associated with certain skin disorders, such as vitiligo, and genetic disorders, such as Marfan's syndrome and Waardenburg's syndrome. Less commonly, gray hair may be associated with childhood disorders such as vitiligo (which also causes a decrease of pigment in the skin),
tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis and
Waardenburg syndrome. These disorders run in families and have other symptoms such as seizures, tumors under the skin, and
hearing loss. If you are concerned about any of these conditions, I encourage you to talk with your child's
Protein rich foods like soya, lentils, sprouts, meats, liver, eggs along with biotin and selenium. Foods like carrots, salmon, sardines, nuts cauliflower induce good hair growth as well as prevent further premature greying. Green leafy vegetables, salads fruits are helpful too.
Altris gel contains melitane a new compound launched to prevent premature greying. You can use it safely as it would not harm your son's hair. I am not aware of any side effects of Hitreev oil.
I hope that helps. Feel free to revert back with further queries if any.