I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain
Amoxicillin is an antibiotic and is used to treat bacterial infection and is a commonly given antibiotic during dental infection and is assigned under Category B by the FDA that is considered safe during pregnancy, therefore you can take it without worrying.
On the other hand Tylenol that contains active Ingredient
Acetaminophen is also considered safe during pregnancy and can be taken with amoxicillin and will help in relieving pain..
As you have wisdom tooth pain it seems most probably be due to
Pericoronitis, that is infection of the gum flap that surrounds the wisdom tooth and it can cause
severe pain..
Therefore along with taking the advised medications, you can also start doing warm saline gargles as it will help in relieving swelling..
You can also do cool compresses over the cheek..
Keep the area between gum flap and the wisdom tooth clean..
soft diet and drink sufficient water..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.