hi... thanks for writing...i have understood your concerns...
u are diagnosed as a case of
borderline personality disorder with narcissism and insecurity issues...so u have a major problem with your mood fluctuations..and emotional instability...for this symptoms and issues, i feel u shud be given a
mood stabilizer drug...like
sodium valproate, carbamazeoine, oxcarbazpine..etc..
general practitioner can not give proper psychiatric medications..u shud
consult a psychiatrist apart from your therapist...
if u are more of depressed then u can take escitalopram...but the combination of risperidoen and escitalopram is not approved for any indication...instead in my opinion u shud take the combination of
fluoxetine 20 mg with olanzapine 5 or 10 mg...this combination of drugs will take care of your mood also...if u take this combination then u wont have to take mood stabilizer..
so..finally in my opinion...two strategies are there:
1. sodium valproate [500 mg] twice a day... increase as per the response to the drug...upto 2000 mg in a day..
2. combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine as described above once in a day...
i hope u ll find this advice helpful...best luck..