>This is Vijay here.
>I have came across the Cyberknife technology through internet.
>My father is 69 years old and was done ileal conduit last year in May 2009
>for Bladder Ca in Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai from Dr. srininvasan and
>was treated with chemotherapy from Dr. Asha kapadia.
>He has undergone total 5 rounds of chemo with different medicine.
>Last week we had his CT scan and bone scan which showed lesion in lower part
>of spine from L1 to L5 and near lung as well.
>Now we are consulting Dr. Suresh advani, who has advised radiation for next
>10 days to him.
>*Can cyberknife with your hospital be an option for him?( After radfiation)*
>*Kindly suggest and if possible can we have telecon?*
>Hope to get a positive response from you side.
>Thanks and regards,