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I appreciate your concern for the safety of Dok plus.
Following data is missing: Age, gender, duration of
constipation, any drug intake or presence of other disease or problem.
This is a combination of two components Docusate and Senna.
Docusate makes the bowel movements softer and easier to pass.
Senna stimulates muscle movement in the intestines.
The common side effects seen with the use of Dok plus are:
Abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting.
Do not take this medication for longer than 7 days in a row.
This medication is contraindicated during pregnancy and
lactation, if a patient is suffering from
inflammatory bowel disease like Crohns disease or
ulcerative colitis.
You are advised take green leafy vegetables, plenty of oral fluids, do physical exercise.
Beside before starting the treatment you must consult your doctor to rule out the possible causes of constipation like drug intake, presence of inflammatory bowel disease, endocrinal problems like
hypothyroidism, etc.
I hope your query has been answered.