Now read this very carefully and you will receive your answers :
Although VIRUS ( here virus means
HIV ) can be identified , if not isolated, from any body fluid , there is NO EVIDENCE that HIV transmission can occur as a result of exposure to TEARS, SWEATS,& URINE .
However , there have been isolated cases of transmission of HIV infection by body fluids that may or may not have been contaminated with blood .
Since in your case only there were contacts and that too protected with underwear by both partners.
Kissing on the chest can't transmit HIV infection in any way ( even if person is HIV infected ).Rubbing of private parts with each other with underwear don't transmit HIV infection.
You were not using condom and not a
circumcision cases but this don't matter in this case.
You rubbed her vagina with your hand but by this way HIV can't transmitted in your case.
In my opinion you are free from HIV infection , so need not to bother at all.