In 2010 diagnosed with Guillia Barre Sndrome. From then to this day, everyday I m in excructiatng pain. Nothing seems to help. This year on March 1st I was talked into having a neurostimulator put in, from after 1 month I wanted it out, my dr said NO give it time. I had him take it out July 7th of this year. It made my pain worse then ever. Now I have Chronic spinal pain in addition to all over chronic damaged nerve body pain and numbness. I ve been on different pain medications but nothing seems to work. Was on Fentanyl patch 50mg, nothing. Now I m taking Hysingla ER 40mg, my pain eased up from a 10 to about n 8. It definitely doesn t work the full 24hrs but I DO AS MY DRS. PRECRIBE. Never use more then prescribed no matter how much pain I m in. Should I be taking something else besides Hysingla or just up the doe? I have no life. Any suggestions?