My daughter has epilepsy and she is taking keppra 2000 mg 2x ,lamictal 250mg 2x,folic acid ,acetazolamide 1x250 mg 3 days before period starts and continue for 7 days and juleber birth control ,she is now on vacation in Europe and she just had seizure I can t reach her Dr to ask for advice what to do? Couple months before her Dr put her on double doses of keppra and her last two seizure are totally different then before .We where in Mayo Clinic in January and Dr told that she should be out of keppra (one time her level of keppra was so high) and take only lamictal ,acetalomide birth control and folic acid and I really don t understand why her Dr kept her on keppra and double doses ??? Should she go to Dr in Europe and do some test ,please can anyone answer me because I am lost right now as any mother