Hello, Thanks for the query.
I have gone through the details given. By shifting to
insulin injections you will be able to bring down blood
glucose levels more effectively, there is no doubt about it. As mentioned,
Levemir (Detemir) a long acting analog it will give a good action spread over 24 hours, plus it has shown to be having a weight sparing effect. Which is an advantage. Blood glucose control however is almost similar.
There is anothe option available for weight reduction as well as better blood glucose control, that is comparatively recently introduced compounds called as SGLT-@ Inhibitors, like Campagliflozin,
Dapagliflozin & Canagliflozin. These compounds increase blood glucose excretion from the
kidney and reduce blood glucose, plus also help about 6 kgs weight reduction in a year. They have also been found to be quite safe. This is another option that can be considered. Thanks.