Dear Doctor, I am Sanjay Tripathi,Five months back I have developed a clot in my right leg As per doctors advice I have taken Xarelto 15 mg for three weeks twice and 30 mg once for 9 weeks and other multivitamin tablets like homocheck for three months and doxy for 13 days Sampras for 30 days,Neurbin for 6 weeks,Tayo and Fenvar for 6 weeks and Chemoryl for 14 days. I started feeling normal after 3 months and stopped after completing the course. Last week due to accident on my left leg swelling has again developed .As per dopler test ,there is some clotting in left leg also. Should I take Xarelto again for one month as per doctor advice or Can I take dabigatran Pradaxa 150 mg twice for one month .Are they same as Pradaxa is cheaper than Xarelto as we have to spend this money from my pocket or some alternate is also available. I hope you can clear my doubts REGARDS Sanjay Tripathy